Thursday, April 15, 2021




                            PUT NORTHERN MAGIC ON THE MAP

When seven enthusiasts put their names on the back of a postcard at the Scotch Corner Hotel one April evening in 1956 , they were lighting the touch paper to an explosion of magic and mirth in the North of England .

Those seven people had travelled from all over the north to meet at the landmark hotel , near  Richmond , to discuss whether there could be a role for a new magic society in the United Kingdom.

Northern Magic Circle celebrates sixty five years not out on April 15th 2021. 

Famous for it’s Easter parades and annual conventions , it continues to justify the decision of those founder members to proceed , promoting friendship through the magical arts. 

Not only has the society survived but it welcomes new members and actively encourages young people who want to develop their interest and skills in this fascinating art.

The last year has been a difficult one for anyone involved in performing arts but Northern Magic Circle has risen to the challenge and this year it’s convention , complete with a Gala Show , was an on-line event on April 10th. 

For more information , including how you can join the NMC can be found on their website at