Sunday, February 18, 2024

Show Don’t Tell

Show Don’t Tell

The curvy line was in the sand,

etched with a stick in his left hand

That’s a snake is what he said.

The story starts here,at the head.

Along the middle words abound ,

and this is where the clues are found.

Just down here , around that bend

the tail’s in sight and that’s the end.

Tony Noon


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Not In The New Yorker This Week

Leather and Light


Worn souls. Waiting to display

humour and economy in line. 

A camaraderie of shared intent

ripples along this high corridor, 

but at the desk it is a knockout 

punch which wins column inches.

Rejection weighs heavy. It makes

the ride down quicker but they will

keep coming back in new shoes.


Cyberspace has no emotion

and no smell. No imprint left 

by inky fingers.Quick and certain 

as flashlights finding brick walls,

or laser rings around the moon,

this receipt for dreams offers

no sure acceptance but suggests

the door is open to virtual success.

Tony Noon

I don’t think The New Yorker is going to publish this poem , which is a tribute to the intrepid Contributors to the world famous magazine. For many years , the only way you could hope to get a cartoon published was to turn up on a particular day and queue with all the other hopefuls to get an instant yes or no on your latest creations. I always loved the idea of this. Although they were competing , literally hand to hand , for scarce space in the mag , the ritual and the queue itself created a shared experience which in turn created lifelong friendships in a profession better known for the isolation of many individual artists.

Leather refers to the worn shoe leather caused by schlepping across the city to join the queue for weeks and years…

Light refers to the internet with its infinite corridors where we can wait without chatting.

The cartoon is pure fiction. Enjoy…