Thursday, January 11, 2024



I think I may nave been got at.

For several years now , this site has had a regular , steady readership … from people around the world , and I thank you all for the support you have given. In turn , I hope you have all derived some enjoyment from my various contributions.

Something changed in November…For several days someone was reading my work at considerable speed.

Not just one or two pieces , as usual , but the whole archive of postings from 2016 to now.

My viewings were clocking up 1000 plus per day , for several days … and from a user in Singapore.

At the time , I didn’t know what to make of it , but something I read recently , makes me wonder if my work has been appropriated to train so called Open AI systems…

If that’s true , I wonder what they will make of it. More Importantly , I wonder how my mix of poetry , cartoons and other bits of business might be reinterpreted by a machine intelligence,

Will I or anybody else recognise it ?

Will any of the AI programs spot the subtle code I have spread across my work since 2016 which will disassemble text into lines of dancing characters …

Will we soon see an AI created blockbuster based on a living writer encrypting a code to cause text to disassemble into lines of dancing characters… 

If that does happen …remember where you read it first. I am not a robot.

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